免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Mechanistic analysis of the interaction between the host and microbiota
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Understanding microbial communities in their environmental context
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Mechanistic in vitro analysis of the bacterial response to changes in osmolality, pH, stiffness and other abiotic factors
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Creating new technlogies for real-time analysis
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Assessing the dynamics of bacterial growth at the single-cell level
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Mechanistic analysis of host-microbiota interactions
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Studying the biogeography of the gut during inflammatory diseases
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Omics and parallelization
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
In situ analysis of host-microbiota interactions
免费的加速器推荐- 爬墙专用加速器
Mechanistic analysis of microbial response to changes in the physical environment
Coliphage attacking E. coli
Understanding the effect of abiotic perturbations on the entire microbial ecosystem
UBC School of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Microbiology and Immunology